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An odd place to take an 8-wheeler!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:20 pm
by MGC
It seems the driver of this vehicle got his directions wrong. There are two ways into the property he was going to. Clearly, this isn't the one you should use with any vehicle. He went the best part of a mile down what is not much more than a bridlepath and tapers down to a disused mill stream. Fortunately, he got stuck before attempting to cross the stream as the bridge does not look capable of standing 32T. It was all downhill to the point where the vehicle stopped, with many tight turns and overhanging trees. We were unsure if the Foden would go down there and come back out again. We did consider sending the Caterpillar, but decided to give the Foden a try. It took most of the day before he was out.

It seems the path is used a lot by ramblers and cross country cyclists. There may be a few problems when they try to cross some of the ruts that have been left from the incident!
